Call Number (LC) Title Results
PB1400.O25 C87 2011 Cúpla. 1
PB1400.O39 Na Comharsana Nua. 1
PB1421 .E27 1981 Early Irish myths and sagas / 1
PB1421 .G79 An anthology of Irish literature. 1
PB1421 .G8 The Kiltartan poetry book; prose translations from the Irish, 1
PB1421 .G8 1904 Gods and fighting men : the story of the Tuatha de Danaan and of the Fiana of Ireland / 1
PB1421 .G8 1976 Gods and fighting men : the story of the Tuatha de Danaan and of the Fianna of Ireland / 1
PB 1421 G8p Poets and dreamers; studies and translations from the Irish, 1
PB1421 .I76 1987 Irish literature : a reader / 1
PB1421 .I76 2006 An Irish literature reader : poetry, prose, drama / 1
PB1421 .J8 Old Celtic romances. 1
PB1421 J8 4 Old Celtic romances. 1
PB1421 J8 8 Old Celtic romances, 1
PB1421 .L4 Heroic romances of Ireland; 1
PB1423 Fairy and folk tales of the Irish peasantry / 1
PB1423.C9 G8 Cuchulain of Muirthemne : the story of the men of the Red Branch of Ulster / 1
PB1423.C9 G8 1907 Cuchulain of Muirthemme: the story of the men of the Red Branch of Ulster; 1
PB1423.C9 G8 1970 Cuchulain of Muirthemne: the story of the men of the Red Branch of Ulster / 1
PB1423.C9 H91 The boys' Cuchulain; heroic legends of Ireland, 1
PB1423.C9 O3 The coming of Cuculain, 1