PG2981.G7 B84
East-west passage; a study in literary relationships. |
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PG2981.G7 D25
Russian literature and modern English fiction; a collection of critical essays. |
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PG2981.G7 M37 2020
Translated and visiting Russian theatre in Britain, 1945-2015 : a "Russia of the theatrical mind"? / |
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PG2981.P6 D38 1990
Slavic excursions : essays on Russian and Polish literature / |
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PG2981.U6 D5 1994
Dialogues = Dialogi : literary and cultural exchanges between (ex) Soviet and American women / |
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PG2985 .G36 2008eb
The Chinese translation of Russian literature : three studies / |
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PG2985 .W36 2020
The bilingual muse : self-translation among Russian poets / |
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PG2986 .B33 2010
The possessed : adventures with Russian books and the people who read them / |
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PG2986.D6213 1997eb
Making of the State Reader : Social and Aesthetic Contexts of the Reception of Soviet Literature. |
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PG2986 .E64 2023
The vortex that unites us : versions of totality in Russian literature / |
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PG2986 .E7713 2018
The Irony of the Ideal : Paradoxes of Russian Literature. |
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PG2987.C68 L68 2019
Life is elsewhere : symbolic geography in the Russian provinces, 1800-1917 / |
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PG2987.D45 R87 2000
Russian literature and its demons / |
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PG2987.E56 H88 2004
Russian literary culture in the camera age : the word as image / |
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PG2987.E56 H88 2004eb
Russian literary culture in the camera age : the word as image / |
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PG2987.F88 G75 2023
Visions of the Future Malthusian Thought Experiments in Russian Literature (1840-1960). |
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PG2987.H6 B33 2009eb
The house in Russian literature : a mythopoetic exploration / |
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Facets of Russian irrationalism between art and life : mystery inside enigma / |
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PG2987.N27 P37 2018
In search of the true Russia : the provinces in contemporary nationalist discourse / |
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PG2987.N27 S43 1991
The Search for Self-Definition in Russian Literature. |
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