PQ4065 .D36 1983
Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio : studies in the Italian Trecento in honor of Charles S. Singleton / |
1 |
PQ4065 .M3 1989
Lo fedele consiglio de la ragione : studi e ricerche di letteratura italiana / |
1 |
PQ4065 .M43
Medioevo letterario d'Italia. |
1 |
PQ4066 .D43 2009eb
Hopeless love : Boiardo, Ariosto, and narratives of queer female desire / |
1 |
PQ4066 .M48 2006
Le Metamorfosi di Ovidio nella letteratura tra Medioevo e Rinascimento / |
1 |
PQ4066 .P67 1997
Il nome nel racconto : dal Novellino alla Commedia ai novellieri del Trecento / |
1 |
PQ4066 .R68 2002
Hermes' lyre : Italian poetic self-commentary from Dante to Tommaso Campanella / |
1 |
PQ4069 .P3
Le origini e la scuola siciliana. |
1 |
PQ4069 .Q3
La poesia realistica e la prosa del Duecento. |
1 |
PQ4071 .T3
La letteratura civile e religiosa del Trecento. |
1 |
Speaking spirits : ventriloquizing the dead in Renaissance Italy / |
1 |
PQ4075 .B855 2019
Building the Canon Through the Classics : Imitation and Variation in Renaissance Italy (1350-1580). |
1 |
PQ4075 .C35 2021
Conspiracy literature in early Renaissance Italy : historiography and princely ideology / |
1 |
PQ4075 .F6
Literature of the Italian Renaissance, |
1 |
PQ4075.G375 2013eb
Hollow Men : Writing, Objects, and Public Image in Renaissance Italy. |
1 |
PQ4075 .I83 2009eb
Italy and the classical tradition : language, thought and poetry 1300-1600 / |
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PQ4075 .L28 1988
The Languages of literature in Renaissance Italy / |
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PQ4075 .M345 2001
Strong words : writing & social strain in the Italian Renaissance / |
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PQ4075 .M45 1995
Literary imitation in the Italian Renaissance : the theory and practice of literary imitation in Italy from Dante to Bembo / |
2 |
PQ4075 .N49 2012eb
New worlds and the Italian renaissance : contributions to the history of European intellectual culture / |
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