Call Number (LC) Title Results
PQ416 .V35 1882 Avant malherbe; 1
PQ416 .W37 La création poétique au XVIe siècle en France de Maurice Scève à Agripa d'Aubigné. 1
PQ417 .B4 Avril; being essays on the poetry of the French renaissance, 1
PQ417 .B4 1931 Avril; being essays on the poetry of the French Renaissance. 1
PQ417 .C3 The early French poets, series of notices and translations, 1
PQ 417 C3 7 The early French poets, 1
PQ418 .A7 Maurice Scève, Pernette du Guillet, Louise Labé : l'amour à Lyon au temps de la Renaissance / 1
PQ418 .B44 1988 La Pléiade : la poésie en France autour de Ronsard / 1
PQ418 .B7 1959 Humanisme et Pléiade; l'histoire, la doctrine, les œuvres. 1
PQ418 .C66 2011eb An errant eye : poetry and topography in early modern France / 1
PQ418 .D37 La mythologie classique dans l'œuvre lyrique de la "Pléiade." 1
PQ418 .F67 2013 The judgment of Palaemon : the contest between Neo-Latin and vernacular poetry in Renaissance France / 1
PQ418 .P7 French poets and the English Renaissance : studies in fame and transformation / 1
PQ418 .R667 2021 Ronsard and du Bartas in Early Modern Europe 1
PQ421 .P58 La poésie française de 1640 à 1680. 1
PQ423 .F49 The sixth sense; individualism in French poetry, 1686-1760. 1
PQ423 .W7 1954 French lyric poetry in the age of Malherbe. 1
PQ431 Semiotics of poetry / 1
PQ431 .M5 1947 Sentiment chrétien et poésie française: Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud. 1
PQ431 .P43 2016eb Unacknowledged legislators : the poet as lawgiver in post-revolutionary France / 1