PQ7082.N7 L352 2004
Latin American mystery writers : an A-to-Z guide / |
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PQ7082.N7 L4 1971
La novela de la selva hispanoamericana; nacimiento, desarrollo y transformación, estudio estilístico. |
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PQ7082.N7 L523 2004
Early Spanish American narrative / |
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PQ7082.N7 L523 2004eb
Early Spanish American narrative / |
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PQ7082.N7 L553 2005
God and Trujillo : literary and cultural representations of the Dominican dictator / |
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PQ7082.N7 L68
La novela hispanoamericana; |
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PQ7082.N7 M477 1993
Latin America's new historical novel / |
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PQ7082.N7 M48 1983
Logos and the word : the novel of language and linguistic motivation in Grande sertão: veredas and Tres tristes tigres / |
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PQ7082.N7 N6
Novelistas hispanoamericanos de hoy / |
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PQ7082.N7 O45 2016eb
El arte de irse por las ramas : la digresion en la novela latinoamericana contemporanea / |
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PQ7082.N7 O73 1984
Poetics of change : the new Spanish-American narrative / |
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PQ7082.N7 O94 2022
The Oxford handbook of the Latin American novel / |
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PQ7082.N7 P364 2012
Writing AIDS : (re)conceptualizing the individual and social body in Spanish American literature / |
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PQ7082.N7 P383 2008
Historias Híbridas La Nueva Novela Histórica Latinoamericana (1985-2000) Ante Las Teorías Posmodernas de la Historia. |
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PQ7082.N7 P755 2000
Primitivism and identity in Latin America : essays on art, literature, and culture / |
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PQ7082.N7 R34 1986
La novela en América Latina : panoramas 1920-1980 / |
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PQ7082.N7 R343 1982
Transculturación narrativa en América Latina / |
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PQ7082.N7 R35
Tiempo y narración : enfoques de la temporalidad en Borges, Carpentier, Cortázar y García Márquez / |
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PQ7082.N7 R58
Narrativa hispanoamericana ; Güiraldes, Carpentier, Roa Bastos, Rulfo, estudios sobre invención y sentido. |
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PQ7082.N7 R62
Narradores de esta América; ensayo. |
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