Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR1173 .R3 Red-letter poems, 1
PR1173 .W2 The English poets; 2
PR1173 W2 1 The English poets; selections with critical introductions 1
PR 1173 W2 4 The English poets; 1
PR 1173 W2 7 The English poets; 1
PR1174 .A83 2008 Answering back : living poets reply to the poetry of the past / 1
PR1174 .C3 Forms of poetry, 1
PR1174 .G68 A book of peace. 1
PR1174 .H6 Poetry of relevance. 1
PR1174 .M84 Collins Albatross book of longer poems; English and American poetry from the fourteenth century to the present day. 1
PR1174 .N6 2018 The Norton anthology of poetry / 1
PR1175 Poetry in America. I shall forget you presently, my dear /
English narrative poetry : a babel of voices /
PR1175 .A27 Poetry; an introductory anthology. 1
PR1175 .A3 Poems of the English race, 1
PR1175 .A46 Introduction to literature: poems. 1
PR1175 .A462 The unity of literature 1
PR1175 .A48 1989 The Amis anthology / 1
PR1175 .A6 v.1 The Dunbar anthology : 1401-1508 A. D. / 1
PR1175 A6 v.2 The Surrey and Wyatt anthology, 1509-1547 A. D. 1
PR1175 .A6 v.3 Spenser anthology : 1540-1591 A.D. / 1