Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR2335 Literary and visual Ralegh / 1
PR2335 .A75 1987 Sir Walter Ralegh, an annotated bibliography / 1
PR2335 .B79 1965 The school of night; a study in the literary relationships of Sir Walter Ralegh, 1
PR2335 .G79 Sir Walter Raleigh : the Renaissance man and his roles / 1
PR2335 .L49 Sir Walter Ralegh, écrivain, l'œuvre et les idées. 1
PR2335 .M3 1989 Sir Walter Ralegh / 1
PR2335 .O1 1961 The Queen and the poet. 1
PR2336.R4 Z54 1999 A bibliography of John Rastell / 1
PR2336.R4 Z54 1999eb A bibliography of John Rastell / 1
PR2336.R4 Z6 1983 John Rastell / 1
PR2337.R6 A1 1584a A handful of pleasant delights, 1
PR2337.R73 L4 1972 Leicester's ghost. 1
PR2337.R88 R31 1992 Rede me and be nott wrothe / 1
PR2339 .S46t 1927 Table talk of John Selden, 1
PR 2340 1860 The miscellaneous works of Sir Philip Sidney, knt., with a life of the author and illustrative notes, 1
PR2340.A5 R58 Poems. 1
PR2340 .F4 1962 Prose works. 1
PR2341 .D78 Miscellaneous prose of Sir Philip Sidney, 1
PR2341 .D8 1989 Sir Philip Sidney / 1
PR2341 .K55 1983 Sir Philip Sidney : selected prose and poetry / 1