PR221 .S78 1986
Studies in earlier Old English prose : sixteen original contributions / |
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PR226 .A566 2021
The Anonymous Old English Homily |
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PR226 .O4
The Old English homily and its backgrounds / |
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PR226 .P45 2023
New Latin contexts for Old English homilies : editions and studies of ten sources and analogues / |
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PR251 .A3 1982
Acts of interpretation : the text in its contexts, 700-1600 : essays on medieval and Renaissance literature in honor of E. Talbot Donaldson / |
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PR251 .A73 1994
Art and context in late Medieval English narrative : essays in honor of Robert Worth Frank, Jr. / |
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PR251 .B72
A Middle English bibliography; dates, dialects, and sources of the XII, XIII, and XIV century monuments and manuscripts exclusive of the works of Wyclif, Gower, and Chaucer, and the documents in the London dialect. |
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PR251 .G36 2006eb
Medieval literature and culture / |
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PR251 .L4
The Learned and the lewed; studies in Chaucer and medieval literature. |
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PR251 .L57 1983
Literature in fourteenth-century England : the J.A.W. Bennett memorial lectures : Perugia, 1981-1982 / |
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PR251 .M33 1984
Medieval and pseudo-medieval literature : the J.A.W. Bennett memorial lectures, Perugia, 1982-1983 / |
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PR251 .M34 1986
Medieval English religious and ethical literature : essays in honour of G.H. Russell / |
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PR251 .M35 1988
Medieval English studies presented to George Kane / |
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PR251 .M37
Medieval studies for J.A.W. Bennett : aetatis suae LXX / |
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PR251 .P41 1961
Studies in medieval literature. In honor of Professor Albert Croll Baugh. |
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PR251 .S24 1988
English and international : studies in the literature, art, and patronage of medieval England / |
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PR251 .V34
Middle English survey; critical essays. |
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The Oxford English literary history. conquest and transformation / Life in words : essays on Chaucer, the Gawain-poet, and Malory / Freond ic gemete wið : Perspectives on Medieval Britain ; Language, Literature, Society. A handbook of Middle English studies / Fragmenta poetarum Latinorum epicorum et lyricorum. The grounds of English literature / The politics of Middle English parables : fiction, theology, and social practice / |
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PR255 .A57 2013
Answerable style : the idea of the literary in Medieval England / |
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PR255 .B1 1932
Three medieval centuries of literature in England, 1100-1400, |
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