Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR4534 .C7 1822 Confessions of an English opium-eater. 1
PR4534 .C7 1850 Confessions of an English opium-eater, and Suspiria de profundis. 1
PR4534 .C7 1885 Confessions of an English opium-eater : reprinted from the first edition, with notes of De Quincey's conversations by Richard Woodhouse, and otheradditons / 1
PR4534 .C7 1896 De Quincey's Confessions of an English opium eater / 1
PR4534 .C7 1899 Confessions of an English opium-eater / 1
PR4534 .C7 1900 Confessions of an English opium-eater / 1
PR4534 .C7 1989 Confessions of an English opium-eater, 1822 / 1
PR4534 .C7 2002 Confessions of an English opium-eater, 1822 / 1
PR4534 .E7 1873 Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. 1
PR4534 .E7 1876 Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition / 1
PR4534 .E7 1877 Essays in philosophy ; Politics and political economy / 1
PR4534 E7 1882a Essays on Christianity, paganism and superstition / 1
PR4534 .E7 1893 Essays on style, rhetoric, and language / 1
PR4534 .E78 1856 Essays on philosophical writers and other men of letters. 1
PR4534 .F6 1897 Flight of a Tartar tribe / 1
PR4534 .J62 1905 De Quincey's The English mail-coach and Joan of Arc 1
PR4534 .J62 1906 Joan of Arc and The English mail-coach, 1
PR4534 .J62 1938 Thomas De Quincey's Joan of Arc and The English mail coach, 1
PR4534 .K5 1992 Klosterheim, or, The masque / 1
PR4534 .L6 1873 Letters to a young man, and Logic of political economy. 1