Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR631 .E54 1994 English comedy / 1
PR631 .H57 Comedy of manners / 1
PR631 .K93 The thread of laughter; chapters on English stage comedy from Jonson to Maugham. 1
PR631 .L44 1998eb English stage comedy, 1490-1990 : five centuries of a genre / 1
PR631 .M82 1965 The comic and the realistic in English drama, 1
PR631 .S27 The comedy of manners from Sheridan to Maugham, 1
PR631 .T4 English comedy, 1
PR633 Separation Scenes : Domestic Drama in Early Modern England. 1
PR633 .C6 1961 English tragedy before Shakespeare; the development of dramatic speech. 1
PR633 .G67 Tragic theory in the critical works of Thomas Rymer, John Dennis, and John Dryden 1
PR633 .H47 2019 The making of British bourgeois tragedy : modernity and the art of ordinary suffering / 1
PR633 .S89 Bibliography of English printed tragedy, 1565-1900, 1
PR633 .T4 Tragedy, 1
PR633 .T4 1908 Tragedy, 1
PR635.C34 D56 2018 Julius Caesar's self-created image and its dramatic afterlife / 1
PR635.C65 C5 1990 Cleopatra / 1
PR635.C69 D46 2002 Staging consciousness : theater and the materialization of mind / 1
PR635.D45 Domestic life and domestic tragedy in early modern England : the material life of the household / 1
PR635.D48 C69 2000 The devil and the sacred in English drama, 1350-1642 / 1
PR635.D48 C69 2000eb The devil and the sacred in English drama, 1350-1642 / 1