Call Number (LC) Title Results
PR643.M8 S7 1987 Four Middle English mystery cycles : textual, contextual, and critical interpretations / 1
PR643.M9 C57 2009 The laity, the church, and the mystery plays : a drama of belonging / 1
PR643.M9 H7 Ancient mysteries described; especially the English miracle plays, founded on apocryphal New Testament story, extant among the unpublished manuscripts in the British Museum; including notices of ecclesiastical show. 1
PR643.M9 M61 A figure given: typology in the Wakefield plays, 1
PR643.M9 P96 1961 Drama and religion in the English mystery plays: a re-evaluation. 1
PR643.M9 W91 The English mystery plays. 1
PR644.C32 P43 1987 The tournament tradition and staging The castle of preseverance / 1
PR644.C4 C47 1993 The Chester mystery cycle : a casebook / 1
PR644.C4 H9 1957 The Chester mystery plays; sixteen pageant plays from the Chester Craft cycle. 1
PR644.C4 L85 1983 The Chester mystery cycle : essays and documents / 1
PR644.C4M55 1998 Recycling the Cycle : the City of Chester and Its Whitsun Plays. 1
PR644.C4 S1 1955 Mediaeval drama in Chester. 1
PR644.E28 G53 1989 The theater of devotion : East Anglian drama and society in the late Middle Ages / 1
PR644.W3 The preaching fox : festive subversion in the plays of the Wakefield Master / 1
PR644.W3 H4 Symbolic action in the plays of the Wakefield Master / 1
PR644.W3 R63 1991 Studies in fifteenth-century stagecraft / 1
PR644.Y6 C6 1978 Poetry and drama in the York Corpus Christi play / 1
PR644.Y6 D38 1984 From Creation to Doom : the York cycle of mystery plays / 1
PR644.Y6 K54 2006 The York Mystery Cycle and the worship of the city / 1
PR644.Y6 R53 2015 The civic cycles : artisan drama and identity in premodern England / 1