Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS 2779 S264f First poems & fragments, 1
PS 2779 S264p Poems, 1
PS 2779 S265a After many years, 1
PS 2779 S265p Prince Schamyl's wooing : a story of the Caucasus-Russo-Turkish War / 1
PS 2779 S267m Memorial volume : selections from the prose and poetical writings of the late John Savary / 1
PS2779 .S27r The Rose of Sharon: a religious souvenir, for MDCCCL. 1
PS2779 .S27r 1843 The Rose of Sharon : a religious souvenir for MDCCCXLIII / 1
PS2779 S271 L A local habitation / 1
PS 2779 S271o An outland journey. 1
PS2779 S272s Saxby's scrap book : being selections from the writings of Howard Saxby in the Cincinnati Enquirer, together with numerous other sketches which have never before appeared in print / 1
PS2780 1866 Poems / 1
PS2780 1871 Poems / 1
PS2780 1873 The poems of John Godfrey Saxe. 1
PS2780 1873a The poems of John Godfrey Saxe. 1
PS2780 1892 The poetical works of John Godfrey Saxe. 1
PS2784 .M4 1866 The masquerade : and other poems. / 1
PS2784 .P9 1874 The proud Miss MacBride. A legend of Gotham. 1
PS2789 .S28L Love and land : poems / 1
PS2789 .S28L 1866 Love and land : poems / 1
PS2789 .S29n Nicholas of the flue : the savior of the Swiss Republic ; a dramatic poem in five acts / 1