Call Number (LC) Title Results
PS 3527 O772s 1947 So dear to my heart. 1
PS3527 O78r The rose of Auzenburg / 1
PS 3527 O79h His lady of the sonnets, 1
PS 3527 O98e Echo, and other verses, 1
PS3529.A83 Z88 1983 Edgar Lee Masters / 1
PS 3529 B51g 1944 Golden apples of the sun / 1
PS 3529 B85d Distant music, 1
PS 3529 B85h Hard sayings / 1
PS3529 .B85s 1942 Sagart singing, 1
PS 3529 B85w White fountains, odes and lyrics 1
PS3529.B86 B5 Birth and adoption; a book of prose and poetry, 1
PS 3529 C75s Songs of the Celtic past, 1
PS 3529 C753a 1966 All in the family. 1
PS 3529 C753b 1957 Benjy; a ferocious fairy tale. 1
PS 3529 C753e 1961 The edge of sadness. 1
PS 3529 C753i 1964 I was dancing. 1
PS3529.C753L 1956 The last hurrah. 1
PS3529 C753 L 1984 The last hurrah / 1
PS 3529 C753o 1962 The oracle. 1
PS3529.C753z D84 2003 A family of his own : a life of Edwin O'Connor / 1