PS366.A88 P74 2011
Composing selves : Southern women and autobiography / |
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PS366.A88 R63 1999
Autobiographical inscriptions : form, personhood, and the American woman writer of color / |
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PS366.A88 S84 1988
Studies in autobiography / |
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PS366.A88 S85 1993
Literary selves : autobiography and contemporary American nonfiction / |
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PS366.A88 T39 1983
Chapters of experience : studies in 20th century American autobiography / |
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PS366.A88 W35 2011eb
The trouble with Sauling around : conversion in ethnic American autobiography, 1965-2002 / |
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PS366.A88 W56 2013
Writing back : American expatriates and narratives of return / |
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PS366.A88 W636 1998
Women, autobiography, theory : a reader / |
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PS366.A88 W64 1998
Women memoirists / |
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PS366.F76 F58 2002eb
Writing the pioneer woman / |
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PS366.F76 G46 1996
The frontiers of women's writing : women's narratives and the rhetoric of westward expansion / |
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PS366.M37 A35 2021
Aging masculinities in contemporary U.S. fiction / |
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PS366.P89 R63 2022
Intersectional trauma in American women writers' incest novels from the 1990s / |
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PS366.R44 L57 1990
Literary journalism in the twentieth century / |
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PS366.R44 S68 1992
A Sourcebook of American literary journalism : representative writers in an emerging genre / |
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PS366.R44 W56 1990
The rhetoric of the "other" literature / |
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PS366.S62 G55 2003eb
Surface and depth : the quest for legibility in American culture / |
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PS366.S62 J66 2011eb
Against the gallows : antebellum American writers and the movement to abolish capital punishment / |
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PS366.S95 L5
The confidence man in American literature / |
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The colonizer abroad : American writers on foreign soil, 1846-1912 / |
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