PT7269.E3 E56 1960
Egil's saga / |
1 |
PT7269.E3 E57 1976
Egil's saga / |
1 |
PT7269.E4 E45 2015
Egil, the Viking poet : new approaches to Egil's saga / |
1 |
PT7269.E4 .K573 2019
Egil's Saga |
1 |
PT7269.E6 E56
Eyrbyggja saga, |
1 |
PT7269.E6 E57
Eyrbyggja saga. |
1 |
PT7269.G4 E55 1973
The saga of Gisli the outlaw / |
1 |
PT7269.G7 E53 1974
Grettir's saga / |
1 |
PT7269.G7 G5 1963
Die Geschicte von dem starken Grettir, dem Gehachteten / |
1 |
PT7269.H7 A1 1952
Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða : mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Glossar / |
1 |
PT7269.H7 E5 1971
Hrafnkel's saga and other Icelandic stories / |
1 |
Hrafnkel or the ambiguities : hard cases, hard choices / |
1 |
PT7269.K7 E5h
The sagas of Kormák and the Sworn brothers, |
1 |
PT7269 K7 E5L 1861
Kormak, an Icelandic romance of the tenth century. In six cantos. |
1 |
PT7269.K8 O3 1991
The genesis of a saga narrative : verse and prose in Kormaks saga / |
1 |
PT7269.L4 E59 1964
The Laxdoela saga / |
1 |
PT7269.L4 G5 1963
Die Geschichte von den Leuten aus dem Lachswassertal / |
1 |
PT7269.L5 M3 1972
The Laxdœla Saga Its Structural Patterns / |
1 |
PT7269.N4 E5
The story of Burnt Njal : the great Icelandic tribune, jurist, and consellor / |
1 |
PT7269.N4 E52 1955
Njál's saga / |
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