PT7282.J6 E54 1971
The saga of the Jómsvíkings. |
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PT7282.J6 E54 1989
The saga of the Jómsvíkings / |
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PT7282.Y6 P35 1989
Vikings in Russia : Yngvar's saga and Eymund's saga / |
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PT7287.G7 E57 1980
Göngu-Hrolfs saga / |
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PT7287.H84 E5 1972
Hrolf Gautreksson, a Viking romance. |
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PT7287.R3 E5 2015ab
The sagas of Ragnar Lodbrok / |
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PT7287.V7 E54 2012eb
The Saga of the Volsungs : the Norse epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer / |
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PT7287.V7 E56 2001.eb
The Volsunga saga / |
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PT7287.V9 E5
The Volsunga saga, |
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PT7287.V9 E5 1990
The saga of the Volsungs : the Norse epic of Sigurd the Dragon Slayer / |
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PT7288.A8 E5 2008eb
Audun and the polar bear : luck, law, and largesse in a medieval tale of risky business / |
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PT7296.K3 E5 1975
Karlamagnús saga : the saga of Charlemagne and his heroes / |
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PT7299.B3 O43 2000
The Old Norse-Icelandic legend of Saint Barbara / |
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PT7299.D6 I34 1997
The Icelandic legend of Saint Dorothy / |
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PT7299.M34 V36 2019
The saga of the sister saints : the legend of Martha and Mary Magdalen in Old Norse-Icelandic translation / |
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PT7305 .F62 1970
Codex A M 619 quarto : Old Norwegian book of homilies containing The miracles of Saint Olaf and Alcuin's De virtutibus et vitiis / |
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PT7313.E5 Y73
The prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson; tales from Norse mythology. |
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PT7320.K8 E5 1972
The king's mirror (Speculum regale--Konungs skuggsjá) / |
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PT7328.E47G4 2005
Einarr Skúlason's Geisli : a Critical Edition. |
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PT7335.Z5 W36 2008eb
Snorri Sturluson and the Edda : the conversion of cultural capital in medieval Scandinavia / |
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