Call Number (LC) Title Results
Pam S5-03 Světlo : světlo v českém malířství--generace osmdesátých a devadesátých let 19. století : duben-červen 1982, Křížová chodba Staroměstské radnice v Praze : červen-srpen 1982, Výstavní síň Galerie ve Vodňanech / 1
Pam S5-04 Expoziția artisților plastici amatori din Republica democrata germana, octombrie 1972. 1
Pam S5-05 A Southern Sampler : American paintings in Southern museums / 1
Pam S5-06 Diverse directions : the fiber arts / 1
Pam S5-07 L'Art des invasions en Hongrie et en Wallonie : [exposition], Morlanwelz, Belgique, Musée royal de Mariemont, 2 mars-16 avril 1979, Székesfehérvár, Hongrie, Musée Roi Étienne, 6 mai-17 juin 1979 : [catalogue / 1
Pam S5-08 Staten Island architectural drawings : [exhibition] June 29-September 28, 1980, Staten Island Museum, 75 Stuyvesant Place, Staten Island, New York 10301. 1
Pam S5-09 Recent work / [exhibition] 14 November to 15 December 1978 Usdan Gallery Bennington College. 1
Pam S5-10 A study of a community : Staten Island architecture and environment / 1
Pam S5-11 One hundred years ago : an exhibition to commemorate the opening of the "Cape Town Art Gallery" in New Street (now Queen Victoria Street) on 21st April 1875 = Een honderd jaar gelede : 'n tentoonstelling ter herdenking van die opening van die "Cape Town Art Gallery" in Nieuwe Straat (vandag Koningin Victoriastraat) op 21 April 1875. 1
Pam S5-12 Indian art of the Americas : an exhibition at the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts [October 5-November 17, 1963]. 1
Pam S5-13 Art nouveau sampler : [exhibition] December 15 through January 20, 1962-63. 1
Pam S5-14 Air, light, form : new American glass. Exhibition dates: May 3-June 4, 1967. 1
Pam S5-15 Early German paintings from the Alte Pinakothek, Munich / 1
Pam S5-16 The Krannert Art Museum loan exhibition : on the occasion of the University of Illinois centennial year and in honor of the Illinois sesquicentennial presented by the Arts Club of Chicago in collaboration with the Illinois Arts Council, Nov. 6 - Dec. 10, 1968. 1
Pam S5-18 Modern American woodcuts : [catalogue of an exhibition held] National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., November 30, 1973- January 27, 1974. 1
Pam S5-19 The Lawrence H. Bloedel Collection of American art : [catalogue / 1
Pam S5-20 Knots & nets : spiritual connections : an exhibition / 1
Pam S5-21 Art of India : sculpture and miniature paintings / 1
Pam S5-22 The artist and the factory : drawings and models / 1
Pam S5-23 The Libbey Glass Co. cut glass. 1