Pam S6-05
Un peintre et son auteur : Vincent Breton illustre les fables d'un chasseur de temps de Yves Frontenac, Bibliothèque Forney, Paris, 15-19 juin 1976. |
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Pam S6-06
Tribute to the arts of the Americas : [exhibition, March 15-April 7, 1974]. |
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Pam S6-07
Technology in art : Milwaukee Art Museum, January 12-February 24, 1985, Foster Gallery, Fine Arts Center, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, September 15-October 26, 1985. |
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Pam S6-08
The pleasure machine : recent American video : Milwaukee art Museum, Journal/Lubar Galleries, June 14-August 18, 1991. |
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Pam S6-09
Mira! : The Canadian Club Hispanic Art Tour 1984. |
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Pam S6-10
Four contemporary painters : Arakawa, Bruce Boice, Ronald Davis, Agnes Martin : [Exhibition, 20 September through 29 October 1978] / |
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Pam S6-11
The Bay boys : Wadzinski & Basch : [exhibition, Cudahy Gallery of Wisconsin Art, Milwaukee Art Museum, July 13-September 15, 1991]. |
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Pam S6-12
Light images '96 : the thirteenth juried photography exhibition hosted by the Chrysler Museum / |
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Pam S6-13
An exhibition of recent acquisitions, 1971-1973 : in honor of Margit Holzinger / |
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Pam S6-14
Nineteenth century European photographs : selections from the János Scholz collection : [exhibition] the Snite Museum of Art, University of Notre Dame, April 8-June 24, 1984. |
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Pam S6-15
Sculptuur en tekeningen van Kenneth Armitage en schilderijen van William Scott, van 3 juni tot 30 juni, 1959 in het Museum Boymans-van Beuningen. |
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Pam S6-16
Miró Artigas ceramics : [exhibition November 5 to 30, 1963]. |
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Pam S6-17
Change of pace : contemporary furniture, 1925-1975 : Cincinnati Art Museum, October 4, 1975 to January 4, 1976. |
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Pam S6-18
The interior self : three generations of expressionists view the human image / |
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Pam S6-19
17th Bradley National Print and Drawing Exhibition : March 3 through April 1, 1979 / |
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Pam S6-20
Suzanne Bloom and Ed Hill (Manual) : research and collaboration : White Oak Bayou, A phenomenological study of life drawing, Art in context-homage to Walter Benjamin, exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, February 20-April 13, 1980 / |
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Pam S6-21
New York by artists of the Art Students League of New York : in celebration of the centennial year of the Art Students League of New York : [Exhibition] at the Museum of the City of New York, November 3rd to January 4th, 1975-1976 / |
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Pam S6-22
Sculpture at Cranbrook, 1978-1980 : Stackhouse, Aycock, Armajani, Hall. |
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Pam S6-22a
Presentation : recent portrait photography. |
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Pam S6-23
Meisterwerke der Ermitage Leningrad : Französische Maler des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Sonderausstellung zum 50. Jahrestage det Grossen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution / |
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