Pam S6-21
New York by artists of the Art Students League of New York : in celebration of the centennial year of the Art Students League of New York : [Exhibition] at the Museum of the City of New York, November 3rd to January 4th, 1975-1976 / |
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Pam S6-22
Sculpture at Cranbrook, 1978-1980 : Stackhouse, Aycock, Armajani, Hall. |
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Pam S6-22a
Presentation : recent portrait photography. |
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Pam S6-23
Meisterwerke der Ermitage Leningrad : Französische Maler des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Sonderausstellung zum 50. Jahrestage det Grossen Sozialistischen Oktoberrevolution / |
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Pam S6-24
Armorial Worcester porcelain of the first period : Specimens from the Marshall collection in the Ashmolean Museum and other sources. |
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Pam S6-25
The medium is the illusion : the Main Art Gallery, Visual Arts Center, California State University, Fullerton, February 8-March 9, 1986 / |
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Pam S6-26
Centennial accessions 1983 / |
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Pam S6-27
Past jurors invitational [exhibition] : Oklahoma Art Center, Oklahoma City, September 14-November 2, 1969. |
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Pam S6-28
Here and now : Bay Area masterworks from the di Rosa collections . |
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Pam S6-29
Artists of the western frontier : July 3 through October 17, 1976. |
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Pam S6-30
Vividly told : contemporary southern narrative painting : an exhibition / |
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Pam S6-31
Clay for walls : surface reliefs by American artists. |
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Pam S6-32
Words in action : abstract expressionism / |
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Pam S6-33
Fantaisies précieuses : montres genevoises 1790-1850, collection privée, du 1er juin au 31 décembre 1979 / |
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Pam S6-34
Christian Makowetz, Katharina Prantl, Arnold Strohmeier. |
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Pam S6-35
Fabrics international : an exhibition co-sponsored by the Museum of Contemporary Crafts and the Philadelphia Museum College of Art and circulated by the American Federation of Arts. |
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Pam S6-36
The Marshall Frankel collection : [exhibition] February 6-April 3, 1988, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. |
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Pam S7-01
District Six : image and representation : South African National Gallery : 28.10.1995-25.2.1996. |
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Pam S7-02
The Print Club : 63rd annual international competition. |
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Pam S7-03
Scene at a place in time : the 69th annual competition, prints. |
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