Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA614.3 .C66 2001 Differentiable manifolds / 1
QA614.3 .C87 2019 CR embedded submanifolds of CR manifolds / 1
QA614.3 .D84 2005 Poisson structures and their normal forms / 1
QA614.3 F56 2013eb Gromov, Cauchy and causal boundaries for Riemannian, Finslerian and Lorentzian manifolds / 1
QA614.3 F66 1998 Hodge theory in the Sobolev topology for the de Rham complex / 1
QA614.3 .G453 2015 D-Modules : Local Formal Convolution of Elementary Formal Meromorphic Connections. 1
QA614.3 .H4 Multiple points of immersed manifolds / 1
QA614.3 .H47 1981eb Multiple points of immersed manifolds / 1
QA614.3 .H67 Differentiable manifolds and quadratic forms 1
QA614.3 .H73 2014 Hodge theory / 1
QA614.3 .H84 2004 Kähler spaces, nilpotent orbits, and singular reduction / 1
QA614.3 .H843 2004eb Kähler spaces, nilpotent orbits, and singular reduction / 1
QA614.3 .J66 1987 Manifolds and mechanics / 1
QA614.3 .J69 2019 Algebraic geometry over C[infinity]-rings / 1
QA614.3 .K37 1986 Introduction to microlocal analysis / 1
QA614.3 .K67 Actions of finite abelian groups / 1
QA614.3 .K675 1993 Differential manifolds / 1
QA614.3 .L34 1995 Differential and Riemannian manifolds / 1
QA614.3 .L35 1972 Differential manifolds. 1
QA614.3 .L38 2013 Poisson structures / 1