Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA614.73 .E43 1993 Harmonic maps and minimal immersions with symmetries : methods of ordinary differential equations applied to elliptic variational problems / 1
QA 614.73 E44 1983 Selected topics in harmonic maps / 1
QA614.73 .H358 2011 Harmonic maps and differential geometry : a harmonic map fest in honour of John C. Wood's 60th birthday, September 7-10, 2009, Cagliari, Italy / 1
QA614.73 .H37 Harmonic mappings and minimal immersions : lectures given at the 1st 1984 session of the Centro internationale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini, Italy, June 24-July 3, 1984 / 1
QA614.73 .H38 2011 Harmonic maps and differential geometry : a harmonic map fest in honour of John C. Wood's 60th birthday, September 7-10, 2009, Cagliari, Italy / 1
QA614.73.H45 2002 QA614.73 .H45 2002eb Harmonic Maps, Conservation Laws and Moving Frames. 1
QA614.73 .J6 Harmonic maps between surfaces : with a special chapter on conformal mappings / 1
QA614.73 .L56 2008eb The analysis of harmonic maps and their heat flows / 1
QA614.73 .M67 2005eb Partial Regularity For Harmonic Maps And Related Problems. 1
QA614.73 .N8 Harmonic maps : proceedings of the N.S.F.-C.B.M.S. Regional Conference, held at Tulane University, New Orleans, December 15-19, 1980 / 1
QA614.73 .T33 1988 Théorie des variétés minimales et applications (minimal submanifolds) : Séminaire Palaiseau, octobre 1983-juin 1984. 1
QA614.73 .T67 1984 Harmonic and minimal maps : with applications in geometry and physics / 1
QA614.73 .T68 1990 Harmonic maps and minimal immersions through representation theory / 1
QA614.8 Dynamics with chaos and fractals /
Ergodic dynamics : from basic theory to applications /
Convex integration applied to the multi-dimensional compressible Euler equations /
Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici.
Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, and complexity : in memory of Professor Valentin Afraimovich /
Multistability in physical and living systems : characterization and applications /
Randomness and Recurrence in Dynamical Systems : a Real Analysis Approach /
Advances in discrete dynamical systems, difference equations and applications : 26th ICDEA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 26-30, 2021 /
Differential algebra, complex analysis and orthogonal polynomials : Jairo Charris Seminar 2007-2008, Escuela de Matemáticas, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá, Colombia /
Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and an Introduction to Chaos.
QA614.8 .A185 1998 Geometry and topology in dynamics : AMS Special Session on Topology in Dynamics, held in Winston-Salem, NC, October 9-10, 1998, AMS-AWM Special Session on Geometry in Dynamics, held in San Antonio, TX, January 13-16, 1999 / 1
QA614.8 .A385 2003 Lectures on chaotic dynamical systems / 1
QA614.8 .A39 1993 The general topology of dynamical systems / 1
QA614.8 .A47 1987 The connection between infinite dimensional and finite dimensional dynamical systems : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held July 19-25, 1987, with support from the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research / 1
QA614.8 .A47 1987eb The connection between infinite dimensional and finite dimensional dynamical systems : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held July 19-25, 1987, with support from the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research / 1
QA614.8 .A53 1998 Analysis and modelling of discrete dynamical systems / 1