Call Number (LC) Title Results
QA614.8 .D478 1992 A first course in chaotic dynamical systems : theory and experiment / 1
QA614.8 .D48 1986 An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems / 1
QA614.8 .D698 1985 Dynamical systems : a differential geometric approach to symmetry and reduction / 1
QA614.8 .D7 Dynamical systems and bifurcations : proceedings of a workshop held in Groningen, The Netherlands, April 16-20, 1984 / 1
QA614.8 .D925 1986 Dynamical systems and nonlinear oscillations / 1
QA614.8 .D97 Dynamical systems: Valparaiso 1986 : proceedings of a symposium held in Valparaiso, Chile, Nov. 1986 / 1
QA614.8 .D98 1987 Dynamical systems and singular phenomena / 1
QA614.8 .D99 1996 Dynamics in several complex variables 1
QA614.8 .E27 1998 Geometric methods for discrete dynamical systems / 1
QA614.8 .E74 1996 Ergodic theory of Z̳d actions : proceedings of the Warwick symposium, 1993-4 / 1
QA614.8 .F43 1996 Discretization of homoclinic orbits, rapid forcing, and "invisible" chaos / 1
QA614.8 .F73 2022 Fractional dynamical systems : methods, algorithms and applications / 1
QA614.8 .F82 Homology and dynamical systems / 1
QA614.8 .G36 1999 Geometry and topology in dynamics / 1
QA614.8 .G4 Conditional stability and real analytic pseudo-Anosov maps / 1
QA614.8 .G46 2022 Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici. 1
QA614.8 .G473 1985eb Conditional stability and real analytic pseudo-Anosov maps / 1
QA614.8 .G53 1978 Global analysis : proceedings of the biennial seminar of the Canadian Mathematical Congress, Calgary, Alberta, June 12-27, 1978 / 1
QA614.8 .G65 2001 Symplectic twist maps : global variational techniques / 1
QA614.8 .G65 2001eb Symplectic twist maps : global variational techniques / 1