Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD476 .D99 Applications of absorption spectroscopy of organic compounds 1
QD476 .F75 Organic charge-transfer complexes 1
QD476 .G54 Organic reactions and orbital symmetry 1
QD476 .G55 Introduction to physical organic chemistry 1
QD476 .H34 Fundamentals of organic reaction mechanisms / 1
QD476 .H66 Concepts in theoretical organic chemistry 1
QD476 .I846 1995 Physical organic chemistry / 1
QD476 .J12 1969 Applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in organic chemistry, 1
QD476 .J58 1984 Physical and mechanistic organic chemistry / 1
QD476 .K5413 1982 Reactivity in organic chemistry / 1
QD476 .L5 Introduction to theoretical organic chemistry. 1
QD476 .L66 1980 Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy / 1
QD476 .L68 1981 Mechanism and theory in organic chemistry / 1
QD476 .M29 Thermal electrocyclic reactions / 1
QD476 .M49 1994 Aromaticity and antiaromaticity : electronic and structural aspects / 1
QD476 .P961 1995 Theoretical and physical principles of organic reactivity / 1
QD476 .Q56 2009eb Quinone methides / 1
QD476 .R57 1990 Physical organic chemistry : the fundamental concepts / 1
QD476 .S42 1964 Interpretation of the ultraviolet spectra of natural products, 1
QD476 .S44 1982 Correlation analysis of organic reactivity, with particular reference to multiple regression / 1