Shelved by Journal Title
Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Mathematical Society. Advances in heterocyclic natural product synthesis. Methods in cell biology. Explaining the kindness of strangers : why we help. The brain : a look inside. Parenthood after cancer : today's options and tomorrow's hopes. Spectral theory of operators : [proceedings of the] Fourteenth School on Operators in Functional Spaces, Novgorod State Pedagogical Institute, 1989 / Third Siberian Winter School "Algebra and Analysis" : proceedings of the Third Siberian School, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, 1989 / Quality of life assessment in symptom management trials. Solitons, geometry, and topology : on the crossroad / Singularity theory and some problems of functional analysis / Three papers on algebras and their representations / Sinai's Moscow seminar on dynamical systems / Quantum algebras and Poisson geometry in mathematical physics / Nonlinear equations and spectral theory / Methods of qualitative theory of differential equations and related topics / National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference : adjuvant therapy for breast cancer / Moscow seminar in mathematical physics / Contemporary mathematical physics : F. A. Berezin memorial volume / Mathematics in St. Petersburg / Sex determination and sexual development / Topology, geometry, integrable systems, and mathematical physics : Novikov's seminar, 2012-2014 / Advances in mathematical analysis of partial differential equations / Selected papers on probability and statistics. Kirillov's seminar on representation theory / Functional microbial genomics / First Siberian Winter School "Algebra and Analysis" : proceedings of the First Siberian School, Kemerovo State University, Kemerovo, 1988 / Biomedical ethics and the shadow of Nazism : a conference on the proper use of the Nazi analogy in ethical debate, April 8, 1976 / Selected papers in K-theory. Health care systems as research platforms : the Cancer Research Network / The National Institutes of Health State-of-the-Science Conference on Symptom Management in Cancer: Pain, Depression, and Fatigue, Bethesda, Maryland, July 15-17, 2002 / Lie groups and invariant theory / Analytic methods in applied probability : in memory of Fridrikh Karpelevich / The interplay between differential geometry and differential equations / Thirteen papers in algebra, functional analysis, topology, and probability, translated from the Russian / Mouse models of developmental genetic disease / Geometry, topology, and mathematical physics : S.P. Novikov's seminar, 2002-2003 / First National AIDS Malignancy Conference : proceedings of a conference held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, April 28-30, 1997 / Nonlinear waves and weak turbulence / The impact of mammography and adjuvant therapy on U.S. breast cancer mortality (1975-2000) : collective results from the Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network / Integrating economic analysis into cancer clinical trials : the National Cancer Institute - American Society of Clinical Oncology economics workbook / Immunology of infection / Northern Californa symplectic geometry seminar / Marine microbiology / Operator theory and its applications : in memory of V. B. Lidskii (1924-2008) / Second Siberian Winter School "Algebra and Analysis" : proceedings of the Second Siberian School, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 1989 / Selected papers on analysis and related topics. Selected topics in discrete mathematics : proceedings of the Moscow Discrete Mathematics Seminar, 1972-1990 / Circadian rhythms / Microbial synthetic biology / Topics in singularity theory : V.I. Arnold's 60th anniversary collection / Proceedings of the First International Conference on Recent Advances and Future Directions in Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer / Topics in quantum groups and finite-type invariants : mathematics at the Independent University of Moscow / Future directions in epidemiologic and preventive research on human papillomaviruses and cancer : based on a workshop held in Bethesda, Maryland, June 2002 / Selected papers on number theory and algebraic geometry / Extremophiles / Pseudoperiodic topology / Nonlinear evolution equations / Partial differential equations : Mark Vishik's seminar / Selected papers on differential equations and analysis. Model theory and applications. Some questions of differential geometry in the large / Yeast gene analysis / Taxonomy of Prokaryotes / Nonlinear partial differential equations and related topics : dedicated to Nina N. Uraltseva / Selected papers on number theory, algebraic geometry, and differential geometry / New approaches to prokaryotic systematics / Methods for analysis of Golgi complex function / Na channels from phyla to function / Mucosal injury in cancer patients : new strategies for research and treatment : proceedings of a multidisciplinary conference held in Bethesda, Maryland May 24-25, 2000 / Topology, ergodic theory, real algebraic geometry : Rokhlin's memorial / L. D. Faddeev's seminar on mathematical physics / Gap junctions : molecular basis of cell communication in health and disease / Differential operators and spectral theory : M. Sh. Birman's 70th anniversary collection / Dynamical systems in classical mechanics / Methods of qualitative theory of differential equations and related topics supplement / Differential and symplectic topology of knots and curves / Lie groups and symmetric spaces : in memory of F.I. Karpelevich / Selected papers on classical analysis / Provability, complexity, grammars / Applied problems of radon transform / Concerning the Hilbert 16th problem / Linear and complex analysis : dedicated to V.P. Havin on the occasion of his 75th birthday / Topology of real algebraic varieties and related topics / Selected papers on analysis, probability, and statistics / Problems of reducing the exhaustive search / Differential topology, infinite-dimensional lie algebras, and applications : D.B. Fuchs' 60th anniversary collection / Topics in topology and mathematical physics / Topics in statistical and theoretical physics : F.A. Berezin memorial volume / Bacterial genetic systems / Spectral theory of differential operators : M. Sh. Birman 80th anniversary collection / Selected papers on harmonic analysis, groups, and invariants / Ordered sets and lattices II / Amiloride-sensitive sodium channels : physiology and functional diversity / Geometry of differential equations / Selected papers on analysis and differential equations. Asymptotic methods for wave and quantum problems / Microbial imaging / Cancer risk communication : what we know and what we need to learn / Systems biology of bacteria / Coherent transform, quantization and Poisson geometry / Spectral theory and differential equations : V.A. Marchenko's 90th anniversary collection / Geometry, topology, and mathematical physics : S. P. Novikov's seminar, 2006-2007 / Molecular cellular microbiology / Cancer outcomes research : the arenas of application / Current and emerging technologies for the diagnosis of microbial infections / Lie groups and lie algebras : E.B. Dynkin's seminar / Moscow seminar on mathematical physics, II / Wave propagation : scattering theory / Representation theory, dynamical systems, and asymptotic combinatorics / Estrogens as endogenous carcinogens in the breast and prostate :b [a symposium held at Westfields International Conference Center, Chantilly Virginia, March 15-17, 1998]. On Dobrushin's way : from probability theory to statistical physics / Third National AIDS Malignancy Conference : proceedings of a conference held at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, May 26-27, 1999 / Voronezh Winter Mathematical Schools : dedicated to Selim Krein / Selected papers on analysis and differential equations / |
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