Call Number (LC) Title Results
TR646.A82 V54 1999 Aufnahmen : fotografische Recherchen in der Stadt / 1
TR646.A83 A9 1973 Three New Zealand photographers : Gary Baignet, Richard Collins [and] John Fields. 1
TR646.B6 C6 Museu de Arte de São Paulo : coleção Pirelli. 1
TR646.B62 S265 1980 MASP/Kodak--fotografia, arte e uso : setembro 1980. 1
TR646.B62 S2655 1980 O homem brasileiro e suas raízes culturais : [exhibição] 2 a 30 de setembro de 1980. 1
TR646.B67 A78 2005 Taking in : AIB photography : 2005. 1
TR646.B67 A78 2007 Taking in : AIB photography : 2007. 1
TR646.C22 M66 2001 Le Mois de la photo a Montreal, septembre 2001 : le pouvoir de l'image = the power of the image / 1
TR646.C22 M66 2003 Maintenant : images du temps présent / 1
TR646.C22 M66 2005 Image & imagination / 1
TR646.C22 M66 2009 Les espaces de l'image = The spaces of the image : le mois de la photo à Montréal 2009 / 1
TR646.C22 O87 2003 Confluence : contemporary Canadian photography = la photographie canadienne contemporaine / 1
TR646.C22 T67 1981 Robert Bourdeau & Philip Pocock / 1
TR646.C22 V363 1984 Art and photography : after the march for peace. 1
TR646.C22 V364 1976 Eleven early British Columbian photographers : 1890-1940 : the Vancouver Art Gallery, March 11-April 4, 1976 : [exhibition / 1
TR646.C22 W56 1979 The Winnipeg perspective 1979-photo/extended dimensions : Barbara Astman, Sorel Cohen, Suzy Lake, Arnaud Maggs, Ian Wallace : [exhibition] February 23-April 8, 1979 / 1
TR646.C3 W56 1983 Latitudes + Parallels : Focus on Contemporary Canadian Photography = Latitudes + parallèles : convergences sur la photographie canadienne contemporaine. 1
TR646.C3 W583 1979 Five Manitoba photographers : John Paskievich, Michaelin McDermott, Leonard Schlichting, David Barbour, Brian Appel : the Winnipeg Art Gallery, April 21-June 24, 1979. 1
TR646.D42 H8 1990 Det fremmede : fotografier / 1
TR646 .E78o Otto Steiner und Schüler; Fotografie als Bildungsgestaltung. 1