Call Number (LC) Title Results
TR650 .W64 Sonne über see und strand; ferienfahrten mit der leica; 1
TR651 .H53 1976 An early Victorian album : the photographic masterpieces (1843-1847) of David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson / 1
TR651 .I26 2002 Icons of Photography : The 19th Century / 1
TR651 .J68 1999 Hill and Adamson : photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum. 1
TR651 .J683 2002 William Henry Fox Talbot : photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum. 1
TR651 .K7 1977 19th century photographs : including daguerreotypes, Civil War photographs, early American views, technology, French portrait photographs etc. 1
TR651.N44 .C437 2014 Charles Nègre Selbstporträt Im Hexenspiegel. 1
TR651 .P46 1987 The photographs of David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson / 1
TR651 .R63 2016 William Henry Fox Talbot : dawn of the photograph / 1
TR651 .S32 2015 Salt & silver : early photography 1840-1860 from the Wilson Centre for Photography / 1
TR651 +S33 2000 The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot / 1
TR651 .S33 2000 The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot / 1
TR651 .S36 1981 David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson : catalogue of their calotypes taken between 1843 and 1847 in the collection of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery / 1
TR652 .B35 1996 Roger Fenton : Pasha and Bayadère / 1
TR652 +.B37 1985 The Pre-Raphaelite camera : aspects of Victorian photography / 1
TR652 +C18 1973 Victorian photographs of famous men & fair women. 1
TR652 .C35 1996 Julia Margaret Cameron : photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum. 1
TR652 .C65x 2004eb Colonialist photography : imag(in)ing race and place / 1
TR652 .E275 1999 Early photographs of India : the archive of Dr John Murray / 1
TR652 .F42 2004 The figure and the forest : 19th-century French photographs and drawings / 1