Call Number (LC) Title Results
U42 .R6 Military planning in the twentieth century. 1
U42 .S58 2002eb The revolution in military affairs : implications for Canada and NATO / 1
U42 .S62 1995 Small wars / 1
U42 .U53 1987 The Uncertain course : new weapons, strategies, and mind-sets / 1
U42 .V36 1991 The transformation of war / 1
U42 .V36 1991b On future war / 1
U42.5 .K745 2019 Surrogate warfare : the transformation of war in the twenty-first century / 1
U42.5 .R68 2012eb Powering the armed forces : meeting the military's energy challenges / 1
U43 Viking weapons and combat techniques
Ancient Germanic Warriors : Warrior Styles from Trajan's Column to Icelandic Sagas.
U43.A358 T49 1999eb Warfare in Atlantic Africa, 1500-1800 / 1
U43.B9 Byzantium and its army, 284-1081 / 1
U43.B9 .K373 2019 Il Fuoco Greco e il suo contributo alla potenza bizantina : Un'introduzione a un'arma terrificante. 1
U43.C6 Chinese ways in warfare /
From Red Cliffs to Chosin : the Chinese way of war /
U43.C6 A52 2006ev Ancient China : the personal weapon / 1
U43.C6 M68 2006eb The philosophy of Chinese military culture : Shih vs. Li / 1
U43.C6 S288 2011eb Ancient Chinese warfare / 1
U43 E95 + D39 1984 The Dawn of modern warfare / 1
U43.E95 H34 1983 Renaissance war studies / 1
U43.E95 H34 1983eb Renaissance war studies / 1
U43.E95 H35 1986 War and society in Renaissance Europe, 1450-1620 / 1