Navigation wrinkles for combat motor boats, Minding the Helm : Marine Navigation and Piloting. |
2 |
VK555 .A48 1966
American practical navigator; an epitome of navigation. |
1 |
VK555 .B54 2008eb
Celestial navigation for yachtsmen / |
1 |
VK555 .B6 1944
Basic marine navigation |
1 |
VK555 .B7
The new American practical navigator; being an epitome of navigation; containing all the tables necessary to be used with the Nautical almanac, in determining the latitude; and the longitude by lunar observations; and keeping a complete reckoning at sea. The whole exemplified in a journal, kept from Boston to Madeira, in which all the rules of navigation are introduced. To which are added, some general instructions and information relative to maritime laws and mercantile customs. With a number of new tables, original improvements and additions. |
1 |
VK555 .B7u 1940
...Useful tables from the American practical navigator. |
1 |
VK555 .B83 1978
Sky and sextant : practical celestial navigation / |
1 |
VK 555 K2n 1943
Navigation, |
1 |
VK555 .P384 2013
50 Ways to Improve Your Navigation. |
1 |
VK555 + P5 1948
The evolution of celestial navigation. |
1 |
VK555 .T47
New treatise on the practice of navigation at sea, containing all the details necessary to enable the mariner to become a good practical navigator ... |
1 |
The history of celestial navigation : rise of the Royal Observatory and nautical almanacs / |
1 |
VK559 .B7
The whys and wherefores of navigation, |
1 |
VK559 .D44 2012
The science of navigation : from dead reckoning to GPS / |
1 |
VK559 .L37 1989ev
The last navigator / |
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VK560.B55 2005eb
Radar and ARPA Manual : Radar and Target Tracking for Professional Mariners, Yachtsmen and Users of Marine Radar. |
1 |
VK560 .H343 2017
Implementing e-Navigation / |
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VK562 .P73 2005
Applied satellite navigation using GPS, GALILEO, and augmentation systems / |
1 |
Astronomical navigation tables. |
1 |
VK565 .P9
Pugsley's latitude by meridian altitude of the sun and fixed stars : with complete rules and explanations as required at the United States local inspectors examinations ; an examination specialty / |
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