A - General Works 6,969
B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion 102,929
C - Historical Sciences 5,948
D - World History 66,866
E - United States History 185,220
F - General American History 15,708
G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation 18,633
H - Social Science 110,610
J - Political Science 26,409
K - Law 20,066
L - Education 22,335
M - Music 92,434
N - Fine Arts 63,964
P - Language and Literature 165,525
Q - Science 62,249
R - Medicine 32,836
S - Agriculture 8,616
T - Technology 30,831
U - Military Science 4,843
V - Naval Science 1,645
Z - Library Science 5,496
PR - English Literature 35,516
PS - American Literature 32,240
PN - General Literature 27,512
PQ - French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese Literature 18,311
PA - Latin and Greek 11,214
P - Philology and Linguistics 9,609
PT - European, Asian and African Literature 6,982
PE - English Languages 3,385
PL - Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania 3,276
PG - Slavic, Baltic, Abanian Languages 3,055
PC - Romanic Languages 2,094
PJ - Oriental 1,366
PF - West Germanic Languages 623
PZ - Fiction 616
PK - Indo-Iranian 598
PB - Modern and Celtic Languages 428
PM - Hyperborean, Indian, and Artificial Languages 417
PD - Germanic Languages 163
PH - Uralic, Basque Languages 124