What's an anthropologist doing in Japan? Media Production Group ; produced in association with the National Institute of Multimedia Education, Japan.

David W. Plath discusses with colleagues who have also done field work in Japan what anthropologists study in this complex, modern society.

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Bibliografische gegevens
Coauteurs: Earlham College. Institute for Education on Japan. Media Production Group, Hōsō Kyōiku Kaihatsu Sentā (Japan)
Andere auteurs: Plath, David W.
Formaat: Video VHS
Gepubliceerd in: Richmond, IN : MPG, Institute for Education on Japan, Earlham College, c1992.
Reeks:Japan, voices of experience

Dinand Library - Media Storage

Exemplaargegevens van Dinand Library - Media Storage
Plaatsingsnummer: Video 397
Status: Beschikbaar