Table of Contents:
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • 1. Auxiliaries and the structure of IP constituents
  • 1. 1. Auxiliary constructions
  • 1. 2. The structure of auxiliary constructions
  • 1. 3. Auxiliaries, bare infinitives and the distribution of clitics
  • 1. 4. Auxiliary structures and Long Head Movement
  • 1. 5. The licensing of verbs, auxiliaries and types of IP constituents
  • 1. 6. The perfect auxiliary fi â€?beâ€?
  • Conclusions
  • Appendix
  • 2. Clitic Placement and the rule of Move I-to-C
  • 2. 1. Cliticization in Romance languages
  • 2. 2. Romanian clitics
  • 2. 3. The rule of V-preposing and clitic Merging2. 4. Move I-to-C (V-preposing) in auxiliary structures
  • Conclusions
  • Appendix: A diachronic note: early Romance inverted conjugations
  • 3. The constituent structure of infinitives and subjunctives
  • 3. 1. The constituent structure of infinitival clauses
  • 3. 2. The constituent structure of subjunctive clauses
  • 4. Subject anaphors in subjunctive clauses
  • 4. 1. The data: control, subject raising and obviation
  • 4. 2. PRO and control structures
  • 4. 3. On the contextual identification of anaphors
  • 4. 4. Subject raising4. 5. Obviation
  • 4. 6. The constituent structure of Romanian subjunctives
  • 4. 7. The governing category of the subject of Romanian subjunctives
  • 4. 8. The null subject of Romanian infinitives
  • Conclusions
  • 5. Copula passives and middle/passive se with (in)transitives
  • Introduction
  • 5. 1. Passives with (in)transitives
  • 5. 2. Passive se with (in)transitives
  • 5. 3. Remarks on certain contrasts between Romanian and Italian
  • Appendix 1: Indexed elements and indexed chains
  • Appendix 2: On Case assignment in passives
  • 6. Clitic doubling, wh-movement and quantification6. 1. Quantification and movement in wh-structures
  • 6. 2. Quantification and movement in Left Dislocations
  • 6. 3. Quantified NPs and Quantifier Raising
  • 6. 4. Indirect objects
  • Appendix
  • Italian CLLD
  • 7. What does QR raise?
  • 7. 1. Two LF rules: NPR and DR
  • 7. 2. LF representations and NP denotations
  • 7. 3. Locality conditions on DR
  • 7. 4. DR and wh-movement
  • 7. 5. On the licensing of Aâ€?-bound empty categories
  • 7. 6. Three LF representations for how many
  • 7. 7. DR, referentiality and locality7. 8. Weak islands and scope
  • Appendix 1: Non referentiality without DR
  • Appendix 2: Strong determiners
  • Bibliography
  • Index of names
  • Index of subjects