Table of Contents:
  • He mo leannan = Hey, my darling (3:49)
  • Mo h-ingheann dhonn = My brown-haired maiden (3:13)
  • La-la, lo, la luadhadh = With water, with milling (3:27)
  • An seoladair curanta = The steadfast mariner (2:28)
  • 'N uair nighidh tu = When you wash (2:20)
  • A' challuinn = New Year's Day (2:06)
  • Gaol an t-seoladair = The sailor's sweetheart (3 :01)
  • Moladh na lanndaidh = In praise of Islay (1:11)
  • 'S a' righinn thu dhe shogh = Thou art princess of cheer (1:12)
  • Mo run, mo nighean dhonn bhoidheach = My love, my pretty brown-haired girl (2:35)
  • La i de dh'ainneadh = She is full of patience (2:26)
  • Flowers of the forest (1:38) ; I'll get a soldier for a shilling (:53) (Fraser Holmes, bagpipes).