Table of Contents:
  • Fanfares liturgiques. Annonciation ; Evangile ; Apocalypse ; Procession du Vendredi-Saint / Henri Tomasi (17:01)
  • Russian funeral / Benjamin Britten (5:26)
  • Declamation on a hymn tune / Jack Stamp (3:40)
  • The battle between David and Goliath. The boasting of Goliath ; The trembling of the Israelites at the appearance of the Giant and their prayer made to God ; The courage of David ; The struggle between the two, their contest, Goliath falls ; The flight of the Philistines pursued by the Israelites ; Joy of the Israelites at the victory ; Concert by the women in honor of David ; General jubilation and joyful dancing of the people / Johann Kuhnau ; transcribed by Chris Hazell (12:09)
  • The sleep of the Immortal One / Clark McAlister (8:38)
  • Joyeux Noël / Alfred Reed (4:14)
  • Trois fanfares pour des proclamations de Napoléon. Campagne d'Italie ; Les adieux à la garde ; 18 juin 1815, Bataille de Waterloo / Jacques Castérède (13:12).