Table of Contents:
  • Development of Mammalian Absorptive Processes; Contents; Introduction; Morphogenesis of the small intestine during fetal development; Discussion; The differentiation and redifferentiation of the intestinal epithelium and its brush border membrane; Discussion; Cell surface components of intestinal epithelial cells and their relationship to cellular differentiation; Discussion; The role of lingual lipase in neonatal fat digestion; Discussion; Bile acid metabolism in the fetus and newborn; Discussion; Sucrase and cellular development; Discussion.
  • Mode of insertion of the sucrase-isomaltase complex in the in testinal brush border membrane: implications for the biosyntheDiscussion; Development of sucrase activity: effect of maternal hormonal status and fetal programming of jejuno-ileal differences; Discussion; The role of enteropeptidase in the digestion of protein and its development in human fetal small intestine; Discussion; Absorption of di- and tripeptides by the intestine of the guinea-pig; Discussion; Gastrointestinal host defence: importance of gut closure in control of macromolecular transport; Discussion.
  • Membrane digestion and nutrient assimilation in early developmentDiscussion; Perinatal changes in the absorption of trace elements; Discussion; The influence of gestational age and size on the absorption of D-xylose and D-glucose from the small intestine of the human n; Discussion; Absorption of biological amines of bacterial origin in normal and sick infants; Discussion; The immature intestine: implications for nutrition of the neonate; Discussion; General Discussion; Future morphological studies; Hormonal mediation of gastrointestinal maturation; Sodium-dependent active transport.
  • Nutritional needs of the premature infantLipid digestion in the newborn; Antigen uptake and immunity transfer; Index of contributors; Subject index.