Table of Contents:
  • O mistris myne / William Byrd
  • Barafostus' dreame / anonymous
  • Jhonson's medley / Edward Johnson
  • Pavana (CLIII) and galiarda (CLIV) / Thomas Morley
  • Pavana (XIII) / John Bull
  • Praeludium toccata / Jan Pieterszon Sweelinck
  • Worster braules / Thomas Tomkins
  • Callino casturame / William Byrd
  • Amarilli di Julio Romano ; Bon jour mon cueur di Orlando ; Galliardo (LXXXVII) / Peter Philips
  • The old spagnoletta ; The L. Zouches maske / Giles Farnaby
  • Pavana and galiarda / Thomas Warrock
  • Praeludium (XLIII) / John Bull
  • Pakington's pownde / anonymous
  • Heaven and earth / attrib[uted to] Francis Tregian
  • Pavana lachrymae / Byrd
  • Toccata / Giovanni Picchi
  • For two virginals / Farnaby.