Celestial navigation for yachtsmen / Mary Blewitt.

The 12th edition of this bestselling textbook is proof of the success of Mary Blewitt's concise and clear style in explaining a particularly difficult skill, and it has been the bible for many generations of ocean navigators. Since this book was first published, the huge advances in electronic...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Blewitt, Mary
Format: eBook
Published: London : Adlard Coles Nautical, 2008.
Edition:Twelfth edition.
Online Access:Click for online access
Table of Contents:
  • Cover; Copyright; Contents; The Theory; Heavenly Bodies; The Geographical Position; Declination; Hour Angle; The Zenith; The Horizon; Altitude; Zenith Distance; The Elevated Pole; Azimuth and Azimuth Angle; Great Circles; Universal Time; The Position Line; The Meridian Passage; Spherical Triangles; The Intercept; Sextant Altitude and True Altitude; Dip; Refraction; Semi-Diameter; Parallax; The Practice; Almanacs and Tables; A Sun Sight in Winter; Using the Sextant; Recording the Sights; Correcting the Data: Watch Time to UT; ; Sextant Altitude to True Altitude.
  • Using the Almanac: LHA Sun from UTUsing the Tables: Assuming a Position; Declination; Tabulated Altitude and Azimuth; Plotting the Sight; A Sun Sight in Summer; A Moon Sight; Planet Sights; Meridian Sights; Star Sights; Sidereal Hour Angle; Declinations; Twilight and Preparation; Selected Stars; Precession and Nutation; Using the Meridian Passage; Pole Star Sights; Selecting the Best Position; NOTES; Sextants; Sextant Error: Index Error; Side Error; Spherical Triangles; Calculators; Concise Sight Reduction Tables; Practice Sights; Plotting Sheets; APPENDICES.
  • A Nautical Almanac for 27-29 July 1997B Nautical Almanac for 6-8 December 1997; C Increments and Corrections; D Altitude Correction Tables 10°-90° for Sun, Stars, Planets; E Altitude Correction Tables 0°-35° for the Moon; Altitude Correction Tables 35°-90° for the Moon; F AP3270 Vol 3: LHA, Dec, He, d, Z; G AP3270 Vol 1: Selected Stars; H AP3270 Correction Table 5; INDEX; A; B; C; D; E; G; H; I; J; L; M; N; P; R; S; T; U; Z.