Precarious prescriptions : contested histories of race and health in North America / Laurie B. Green, John Mckiernan-González, and Martin Summers, editors.

This work explores the complex relations between the institutions and ideologies of health and people of color in America. It brings together essays that place race, citizenship, and gender at the center of questions about health and disease. Exploring the interplay between disease as a biological p...

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Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Green, Laurie B. (Laurie Beth) (Editor), Mckiernan-González, John Raymond (Editor), Summers, Martin Anthony (Editor)
Format: eBook
Published: Minneapolis, MN : University of Minnesota Press, [2014]
Online Access:Click for online access
Table of Contents:
  • Curing the nation with cacti : native healing and state building before the Texas revolution / Mark Allan Goldberg
  • We were promised medicines : health and illness around the Salish Sea, 1853/1878 / Jennifer Seltz
  • I studied and practiced medicine without molestation : African American doctors in the first years of freedom / Gretchen Long
  • At the nation's edge : African American migrants and smallpox in the Mexican-American borderlands / John Mckiernan-Gonzolez
  • Diagnosing the ailments of black citizenship : African American physicians and the dilemma of mental illness, 1895/1940 / Martin Summers
  • An indispensable service : midwives and medical officials after new Mexico statehood / Lena Mcquade-Salzfass
  • Professionalizing "local girls" : nursing and U.S. colonial rule in Hawai'i, 1920/1948 / Jean J. Kim
  • Borders, laborers, and racialized medicalization : Mexican immigration and U.S. public health practices in the twentieth century / Natalia Molina
  • A transformation for migrants : Mexican farmworkers and federal health reform during the New Deal era / Veronica Martonez-Matsuda
  • "Hunger in America" and the power of television : poor people, physicians, and the mass media in the war against poverty / Laurie B. Green
  • Making crack babies : race discourse and the biologization of behavior / Jason E. Glenn
  • Suffering and resistance, voice and agency : thoughts on history and the "Tuskegee" syphilis study / Susan M. Reverby.