Andris Nelsons conducts Wagner and Strauss. Siegfried Idyll / Richard Wagner.

The RCO's 125th anniversary celebrations in 2013 are concluding with a Christmas Matinee in style. Andris Nelsons conducts music by Wagner, who was born 200 years ago. The other titan featuring on the programme is Richard Strauss, who himself conducted his symphonic poem Also sprach Zarathustra...


第一著者: Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 (作曲家)
団体著者: Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest (パーフォーマー)
その他の著者: Nelsons, Andris (指揮者)
フォーマット: ビデオ
言語:No linguistic content
出版事項: Berlin, Berlin State : C Major Entertainment, 2013.
オンライン・アクセス:Click for online access
Uniform Title:Siegfried-Idyll