Table of Contents:
  • Title page; Copyright page; Dedication; Acknowledgments; Chapter 1: Environmental Concerns; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Evaluation Approach; 1.3 Gas Migration; 1.4 Underground Gas Storage Facilities; 1.5 Subsidence; 1.6 Emissions of Carbon Dioxide and Methane; 1.7 Hydraulic Fracturing; 1.8 Oil Shale; 1.9 Corrosion; 1.10 Scaling; 1.11 Conclusion; References and Bibliography; Chapter 2: Migration of Hydrocarbon Gases; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Geochemical Exploration for Petroleum; 2.3 Primary and Secondary Migration of Hydrocarbons; 2.4 Origin of Migrating Hydrocarbon Gases.
  • 2.5 Driving Force of Gas Movement2.6 Types of Gas Migration; 2.7 Paths of Gas Migration Associated with Oilwells; 2.8 Wells Leaking Due to Cementing Failure; 2.9 Environmental Hazards of Gas Migration; 2.10 Migration of Gas from Petroleum Wellbores; 2.11 Case Histories of Gas Migration Problems; 2.12 Conclusions; References and Bibliography; Chapter 3: Subsidence as a Result of Gas/Oil/Water Production; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Theoretical Compaction Models; 3.3 Theoretical Modeling of Compaction; 3.4 Subsidence Over Oilfields; 3.5 Case Studies of Subsidence over Hydrocarbon Reservoirs.
  • 3.6 Concluding RemarksReferences and Bibliography; Chapter 4: Effect of Emission of CO2 and CH4 into the Atmosphere; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Historic Geologic Evidence; 4.3 Adiabatic Theory; References; Chapter 5: Fracking; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Studies Supporting Hydraulic Fracturing; 5.3 Studies Opposing Hydraulic Fracturing; 5.4 The Fracking Debate; 5.5 Production; 5.6 Fractures: Their Orientation and Length; 5.7 Casing and Cementing; 5.8 Blowouts; 5.9 Horizontal Drilling; 5.10 Fracturing and the Groundwater Contamination; 5.11 Pre-Drill Assessment; 5.12 Basis of Design.
  • 5.13 Well Construction5.14 Summary; 5.15 Failure and Contamination Reduction; 5.16 Frack Fluids; 5.17 Common Fracturing Additives; 5.18 Typical Percentages of Commonly Used Additives; 5.19 Chemicals Used in Fracking; 5.20 Proppants; 5.21 Slickwater; 5.22 Direction of Flow of Frack Fluids; 5.23 Subsurface Contamination of Groundwater; 5.24 Spills; 5.25 Other Surface Impacts; 5.26 Land Use Permits; 5.27 Water Usage and Management; 5.28 Earthquakes; 5.29 Induced Seismic Event; 5.30 Wastewater Disposal Wells; 5.31 Site Remediation; 5.32 Examples of Legislation and Regulations.
  • 5.33 Frack Fluid Makeup Reporting5.34 Atmospheric Emissions; 5.35 Air Emissions Controls; 5.36 Silica Dust; 5.37 The Clean Air Act; 5.38 Regulated Pollutants; 5.39 Attainment versus Non-attainment; 5.40 Types of Federal Regulations; 5.41 MACT/NESHAP; 5.42 NSPS Regulations: 40 CFR Part 60; 5.43 Construction and Operating New Source Review Permits; 5.44 Title V Permits; 5.45 Chemicals and Products on Locations; 5.46 Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS); 5.47 Contents of an MSDS; 5.48 Conclusion; State Agency Web Addresses; References; Bibliography; Chapter 6: Corrosion; 6.1 Introduction.