Satiesfictions : promenades with Erik Satie / a film by Anne-Kathrin Peitz & Youlian Tabakov ; produced by Paul Smaczny ; a production of Accentus Music ; in coproduction with WDR.

Always armed with a melon, umbrella and wisecracks, he is not only on the outside the strangest fellow in French music history: Erik Satie was a composer, designer, church founder, PR pioneer and master of aperçus. In playful episodes the documentary "Satiesfictions" by Youlian Tabakov an...

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Bibliografiset tiedot
Muut tekijät: Peitz, Anne-Kathrin (Ohjaaja), Tabakov, Youlian, 1975- (Ohjaaja), Smaczny, Paul (Tuottaja)
Aineistotyyppi: Video
Julkaistu: Berlin, Berlin State : C Major Entertainment, 2015.
Linkit:Click for online access