Summary: | Photographed from several camera positions, the film shows the funeral procession both preceding and following the body of the assassinated president before he is interred at Canton, Ohio.
From a contemporary Edison film company catalog: FUNERAL CORTEGE ENTERING WESTLAWN CEMETERY AT CANTON, OHIO. Another of our cameras is in an excellent position at the entrance to the Westlawn Cemetery, Canton, Ohio, and as the funeral procession approaches, it is set in motion. The first to appear in this scene is the Black Horse Cavalry, Troop A, of Cleveland, Ohio, followed by the G.A.R. escort, the members of which make an impressive picture as they march with bared heads. Then comes the hearse, on either side of which march the Admirals of the Navy and the Generals of the Army. The hearse is followed by the carriages of the family and friends, then comes the National Guard of Ohio, including the famous First Regiment of Cincinnati. Following them come the sailors of the United States Navy and the heavy artillery. Our picture was taken at such a point that it shows the troops executing a right wheel as they turn into the cemetery gate, and everything is life size as it passes in front of our camera.