Item Description: | Copyright: no reg. Original duration: 0:20 at 18 fps. Research indicates location is the Breton Island Reservation or one of the Audubon bird sanctuary islands off the coast of Louisiana; areas visited by TR included the Chandeleur Islands, Grand Isle, Breton Island, Bird Island, Last Island, Battledore Island, and Barataria Bay. Breton Island Reservation was established by Executive Order 369-A on Nov. 11, 1905. Exact location is undetermined. Sources used: The Times-picayune, New Orleans. 6/7/15:2; 6/8/15:16; 6/10/15:10; 6/12/15:1; 6/13/15:(real estate sec.):7; Scribner's magazine. v. 59, no. 3, 1916:261-280; Audubon magazine. v. 17, no. 5, 1915:410-412. Previously published as DVD. Streaming media. |