Table of Contents:
  • Organ voluntary: Hymne d'action de grâce, "Te Deum" / Jean Langlais (5:00)
  • Ascendit Deus / Peter Philips (2:20)
  • Fanfare for brass / Bruce R. Smedley (0:32)
  • Hymn: Hail thee, festival day (tune: Salve festa dies) / Ralph Vaughan Williams ; brass arr. John Ayer (5:24)
  • Opening sentence; Confession; Absolution; Lord's Prayer
  • Anthem: Lord, for thy tender mercies' sake / attrib. John Hilton (1:33)
  • Versicles and responses / Bernard Rose (1:04)
  • Psalm 24 (Anglican chant) / John Robinson (2:48)
  • The first lesson: Daniel 7:9-14 (1:42)
  • Office hymn: God omnipotent reigneth / arr. Charles Wood ; brass arr. Bruce R. Smedley (3:06)
  • Evening service in D (Magnificat) / Alfred Herbert Brewer (3:27)
  • The second lesson: Matthew 28:16-20 (0:52)
  • Evening service in D (Nunc dimittis) / A.H. Brewer (3:03)
  • Apostles' Creed (1:15)
  • Preces / Bernard Rose; Collects (5:30)
  • Anthem at the Offertory: God is gone up / Gerald Finzi (4:09)
  • Prayer of St. Chrysostom ; The grace (0:54)
  • Anthem: Love bade me welcome / Alec Wyton (4:11)
  • Hymn: Lift high the Cross (tune: Crucifer) / Sydney Hugo Nicholson; brass arr. Todd Wilson (4:18)
  • Organ voluntary: Transport de joie, from L'Ascension / Olivier Messiaen (4:29).