Table of Contents:
  • WATER ENGINEERING; WATER ENGINEERING; Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data; CONTENTS; PREFACE; Chapter 1: METHODS AND APPROACHES OF GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION, DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT; ABSTRACT; 1. BASICS OF GROUNDWATER; 1.1 Occurrence of groundwater; 1.2 Presence of groundwater; Shallow Aquifers; Deep aquifers; 1.3 Characteristics of different types of aquifers; Physical properties of the aquifer; Bedrock aquifer; 1.4 Relevant terminologies; Water-table; Spring; The Unsaturated Zone; Saline water; Aquitard; Base-flow; Contaminant; Groundwater Basin; Permeability.
  • Hydraulic ConductivityOverdraft; Safe Yield; Specific Yield; Transmissivity; 1.5 Groundwater storage and movement; Confined or Artesian Aquifer; Unconfined or Water-table Aquifer; 1.6 Groundwater abstraction; Wells: Cone of Depression; Well Contribution Zone; Induced Recharge; 1.7 Groundwater recharge; 1.8 Groundwater flow; 1.9 Groundwater
  • Sea-water interface; 2. INVESTIGATION OF GROUNDWATER; 2.1 Planning an investigation; 2.1.1 Steps involved in a site investigation; 2.2 Approaches of investigation; 2.2.1 Mechanical approach; Features; Limitations.
  • Sampling interval and representation2.2.1.4 General guidelines and steps in borehole drilling and construction; Relevant activities; 2.2.2 Geo-physical approach; Principle of geophysical approach; Implications; Considerations in geophysical approach; Electrical method; Principle of the method; Theoretical aspects; Different configurations of resistivity survey; Electrode geometry; Field survey procedure; Discussion; Interpretation of resistivity data/ Modeling of underground structure; Electromagnetic method; Principle of the method; Applicability.
  • Description of the methodsGeneral guidelines and field procedure for EM method; Seismic method; Magnetic geophysical method; Ground penetrating radar method; Borehole geophysical method; Gravity method; Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic (VLF-EM) method; Other electrical and electromagnetic methods; 2.3 Estimation of groundwater potential; 2.3.1 Qualitative identification; 2.3.2 Quantitative estimation of groundwater; 3. GROUND WATER QUALITY ASPECTS; 3.1 Significance of quality study; 3.2 Sampling of groundwater.
  • 3.3 Elements to be analyzed3.4 Laboratory analysis and ionic balances; 3.5 Issues on the factors affecting quality; 3.6 Isotopic and Age Indicator Analyses; Background; Sampling; Analytical methods; Data interpretation; 3.7 Discussion on quality issues; 3.8 Guidelines on water quality for different uses; 4. GROUNDWATER DEVELOPMENT AND WELL DESIGN; 4.1 Assessing GW availability; 4.1.1 Water Budget approach; I-Input; O-Output; S
  • Storage; 4.2 Groundwater yield; 4.2.1 General perspectives; 4.2.2 Relevant terminologies; Specific Capacity; Well Capacity or Yield; Well Efficiency.