Table of Contents:
  • Praise for Ethical Implications of COVID-19 Management: Evaluating the Aftershock and The COVID-19 Pandemic: Ethical Challenges and Considerations
  • Introduction
  • References
  • About the Editors
  • PART ONE Disruption is the New Normal
  • Ethical Management in These Unprecedented Times: COVID-19, Gender, Remote Work, and the Search for Employee Work-Life Balance
  • COVID-19's Immediate Workplace Impact
  • The Sudden Shift to Flexibility
  • Organizational Issues
  • Considerations for a Flexible Future
  • Gender Dynamics
  • Moving Forward Ethically
  • Practical Solutions for a Flexible Framework
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • COVID-19 School Closures and the Flourishing of Our Children
  • Loss of Learning
  • Food Insecurity
  • Child Health and Physical Fitness
  • Child Safety
  • Social Development
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Finding Good Work in COVID-19: Legal and Ethical Challenges for Sustainability
  • Legal issues and ethical conundrums from COVID-19
  • The Individual and "Good Work"
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Individuals and Their Intra- and Intergroup Relations
  • Introduction
  • The COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences at the individual level
  • The COVID-19 pandemic and intragroup relations
  • The negative effect of COVID-19 pandemic on intra-group relations
  • The positive effect of COVID-19 pandemic on intra-group relations
  • Institutional trust and compliance with COVID-19 health recommendations
  • The COVID-19 pandemic and intergroup relations
  • Practical implications
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • COVID-19 and the Ethics of Grief and Loss
  • The Choices of Grief
  • COVID-19's Shadow: Grief and Loss
  • A Litany of Loss: Grief Upon Grief
  • Loss of Self Concept
  • Loss of Community
  • Loss of Financial Resources
  • Loss of Autonomy and Plans
  • Loss of Life
  • Loss of Grieving Rituals
  • Future Losses and Impact of Loss
  • The Ethics of Grief and Loss Amidst COVID-19: Leadership Challenges
  • Evaluating the Past
  • Looking Ahead: What Does it Mean to Value a Human Life?
  • Constructive Solutions: Employing an Ethic of Care
  • What is Ethics of Care?
  • Caring as Truth-Telling
  • Caring as Hopefulness
  • Caring as Transformative Joy
  • Closing Remarks: Bitter, Better, or Beyond?
  • References
  • PART TWO Social (in)justice
  • Value-Based Integrated Care: The Foundations of a Global Health Ethical Approach to Improving COVID-19 Vaccination Readiness in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries
  • Introduction: Vaccine distribution problems in Low-and-Middle-Income Countries
  • Suffering, Vulnerability and negative ethics
  • Suffering as a negative moral value
  • The suffering of unsatisfied basic needs
  • The normative basis: suffering-based preference utilitarianism
  • Value-Based-Healthcare: Incentives as tools and institutions as addressees of global health ethics
  • Value-Based-Healthcare: The Concept of Porter and Teisberg