Impossible desire and the limits of knowledge in Renaissance poetry / Wendy Beth Hyman.

Impossible Desire and the Limits of Knowledge in Renaissance Poetry examines the limits of embodiment, knowledge, and representation at a disregarded nexus: the erotic carpe diem poem in early modern England. These macabre seductions offer no compliments or promises, but instead focus on the lovers&...

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Príomhchruthaitheoir: Hyman, Wendy Beth (Údar)
Formáid: LEABHAR
Foilsithe / Cruthaithe: Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2019.
Eagrán:First edition.

Dinand Library

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Gairmuimhir: PR531 .H96 2019
Status: Checked outDlite: 06-02-2025 Athghair é seo