Kabuki, the path of the flowers.

Kabuki, a Japanese traditional theater form, transmitted from father to son, is today the most popular of the traditional styles of Japanese drama. Kazutaro is the youngest of the Nakamura Gangiro, one of the most prestigious Kabuki group. In a few months, he will perform at the Kabuki Za Theater in...

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Další autoři: Catteau, Manuel (Producent, výrobce), Raynaud, Jérôme (Režisér), Nakamura, Kazutaro (Přispěvatel), Mann, Sharon, actress (Vypravěč-komentátor)
Médium: Video
Vydáno: Paris, France : ZED, 2006.
Edice:Ethnographic video online ; volume 2
Living cultures
On-line přístup:Click for online access


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Status: Dostupné